Follow up on the email regarding data backup
You will most likely have received a message from the Chief Information Security Officer this weekend regarding Ransomware and how to protect your organisation from the rising threat.
The best way to negate a ransomware attack is to ensure your systems are correctly patched, firewalled and an effective data backup is in place.
You will most likely have received a message from the Chief Information Security Officer this weekend regarding Ransomware and how to protect your organisation from the rising threat.
It is estimated around half of UK organisations faced some form of cyber-security breach in 2019/20. Most of the time the firewall and/or anti-virus software will trap the attempted infiltration however…. just like some human viruses, there’s an occasional one that gets through and causes havoc.
In extreme cases, hackers can encrypt and hold your data to ransom. If you don’t have your data backed up (effectively), the only way to recover might be to succumb to the hackers demands and pay up. There is, of course, no guarantee that payment will see your data returned.
Ransomware or a virus may not be specifically targeted to you; They are designed to be smart and will automatically seek the weakness in IT systems, then spread further and embed themselves until the circumstances are right for maximum damage.
The best way to negate a ransomware attack is to ensure your systems are correctly patched, firewalled and an effective data backup is in place.
‘MyCloudBackup for Education’ provides a specialist Data Backup solution, tailored for Education.
Offsite/Cloud Backup is the only way to protect your critical data from Ransomware
Sounds like an extreme statement, but it’s true. The only way to ensure you can recover from a Ransomware attack is to recover your clean data from outside of the infected system.
Before restoring, ‘MyCloudBackup for Education’ scans all of your data to check it is clear of any malicious files; This ensures the prevention of an unwanted re-infection.
How would it work for you?
As a School or Academy, you’ll be aware of the sensitive nature of your data. Imagine arriving one morning to find your system had been hit by Crypto Virus. Yes, you’ll need to activate your disaster recovery plan and it will be inconvenient, but you can be safe in the knowledge that you have a full backup of your clean data held offsite.
Our tech guys will also be on hand to assist with the recovery process if required. You’ll be back up and running in no time with minimal disruption.
Don’t know where to start?
Don’t worry, we are here to guide you through this process. Our expert advisors can create the backups for you and provide advice on the ‘best practice’ for data retention as well as being available 24×7 for any on-going support you may require.
Our fully featured web portal shows all successful backup jobs, and allows you to easily restore single files, multiple folders or entire Servers’.
If you would like more advice or a demo/trial please use the for below.
Pricing Calculator
Use the calculator below for indicative pricing.
How does it work?
By using My Cloud Backup you can rest assured that your data is secure, easily accessible and inline with the most recent government legislation.
Sign up for a FREE 30 day trial ...
We will carry out the installation of either our My Cloud Backup solution or our My Cloud Backup for 365 solution.
You can use this entirely free for 30 days.
Simply fill out the form and our support team will be in contact with you.